Friday 22 May 2015

Barriers to Communication


TASK 3a – Barriers of communication

  1. General


Two people who speak the same language fluently but have widely different accents and dialects can find barriers when communicating with each other. Where one person will understand what they are saying, the other person might find it hard to understand what they are saying due to their accent and the dialect they are speaking with.

Cultural Differences

Different cultures express their views and communicate differently. They will have certain social taboos (bans or forbids) when communicating, so it can sometimes be difficult to communicate between cultures without causing offense or talking in a way that the other person does not understand what you are saying due to the way their culture usually communicates.


  1. Interpersonal

Someone who is hard of hearing might cause a potential barrier to effective communication for themselves. If they cannot understand or hear what is being said properly, then they will be unable to understand the point that the speaker is trying to get across, which will be a barrier to effectively communicating. of Slang

Use of slang and other region specific terminology can cause a barrier to effective communication. When two people from different regions or countries communicate, they can use slang and jargon specific to their region which can cause confusion in their communication.


  1. Written Communication Skills & Writing

The ability to read and write is important for effective communication. When a person cannot read or write in fluent English(or any language they are reading in), it becomes difficult to understand what is being written and the point the writer is trying to get across in their writing.


Differing languages can be a barrier to communicating effectively. When writing whether it be email or social media or even a presentation, writing in another language can become difficult and strained as no one else will understand what it is you are trying to get across as they cannot read this language.




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