Friday 22 May 2015

Principles of Effective Communicatioon

TASK 2 – Principles of effective communication

  1. General
  2. Interpersonal
  3. Written Communication Skills


General Skills

Cultural Differences communication in the I.T industry, there are many different cultural differences and languages which are used. These can have an effect on communication and can be very confusing. It is important that you are clear with your voice and language and that you think of the needs of others. This also applies for accents, as different accents can pronounce words differently to yours. This is why it is important to be clear with your voice, because if you are not you may offend someone, not get your point across or be quite difficult to understand.

Questions and Answers

Within communication in the I.T industry, question and answer sessions are important. They are important because they allow you to gain information and have a better understanding of the person you are communicating with. however it is important to know what questions to ask and when to ask them, as asking questions which are not related to the subject can be meaningless. An example of a good question is if someone was confused with an assignment they needed to hand in, they could ask someone some questions which would help them out with their work. It is also important to give reliable and relevant answers, as deceptive information can have negative effects or consequences.


Interpersonal Skills

Positive and Negative Language communication in the I.T industry, it is important that your language is positive and not negative. Positive language is required to be more productive in the workplace, as this will give you a more positive attitude towards both yourself and your colleagues. Negative language should not be used, as you will not be able to perform to your potential. This also means that both you and your colleagues will have a negative opinion on you. You may also need to deal with negative language sometimes, so it is important that you act positively towards this behavior and keep calm.


Within communication in the I.T industry, it is important that you understand your barriers. Barriers are anything which inhibits or stops your ability to perform a task or presentation. Common barriers include background noise, hearing problems, physical inhabitations and low vocal projection. These can be avoided by making sure that background noise is reduced to a minimum, you raise your voice to compensate for hearing problems and you make sure that no one has their back turned to you.

Written Communication Skills

Email, Social Media and Blogs

  • communication in the I.T industry, Email, Social Media and Blogs play a big part in communication. They allow many, many people to communicate with each other on regular bases with relative ease. Email is used mostly for communication between company’s, businesses and work colleagues. This is useful to them because it allows them to communicate privately between each other and send files and documents.
  • Social media is mostly used for communication between friends and family. This is useful to them because it allows them to communicate effectively and allows them to stay in touch with each other.
  • Blogs are used for communication between anyone. This is useful because it allows anyone to make an online discussion or topic and have others comment and create new posts for that subject, expanding the mind of the users.

Spelling and Grammar

Within communication in the I.T industry, spelling and grammar are essential to your success. Spelling and grammar are important because it allows the viewer of your work to read and understand it effectively and correctly. Incorrect spelling and grammar can cause problems and sometimes it can cost someone’s job. To make sure you follow correct spelling and grammar, proofread your work before you send it to someone else for viewing.




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