Friday 22 May 2015

Employee Attributes

Why employer’s value it
Specific attributes
Technical knowledge can be broken down into 3 further categories including:
Assist in the provision of a help desk service in response to user hardware/software operational problems. Ensure problems and faults  are fully documented. Evaluate and modify accordingly.
1.        Specific to the job
Technical Knowledge
Assist in the provision of a help desk service in response to user hardware/software operational problems.  Ensure problems and faults are fully documented.  Evaluate and modify accordingly.
Provide support within the full range of IT services.
Includes Knowledge on how to use computer applications such as excel and Microsoft office or Photoshop or dream weaver. Whatever job you’re doing there is always specific software for your role.
You will also need to configure the operating system. You will need to set up the computer in the way you want it to work. Eg custom shortcuts on the desktop and even options in programs such as word
You may also need to install new software. The majority of workers have their own custom PC. This means they install the programs they need. If you install it your self then that means you save money and time. That means that you don’t need IT support to do it for you.
 Provide support on Lotus Notes, which includes electronic mail and calendar to both clerical and professional staff.  Provide support in various computer applications (ie, Microsoft Office Professional 2000 and other specialist systems within the Council).
Design and construct database systems for user departments.
Provide a design function to all user departments using Microsoft Publisher and other similar software suites
This includes various tasks such as setting up printer networks, installing drivers. You will need to customise the computer itself. EG more RAM, better Graphics Card etc. You must know how to install these correctly and ensure that it complies with the health and safety laws. You may find that you need to install peripheral devices. EG additional Monitor.
Replace printer consumables and provide support on printer problems.
Maintain and update inventory on all IT equipment.
Undertake ongoing training and self-development appropriate to the systems and technology in use throughout the Council.
Security is very important. e.g. setting up the firewall or anti-virus to help protect the computer and network.
You will also need to set up new passwords and monitor incoming and outgoing traffic.
Monitor Firewall and Mimesweeper warning messages.
Responsible for all security backups within the main Council’s computer network.
General attributes
Although employees might require specific skills when applying for a particular job, you may also be required to show a variety of skills which may apply for any job, regardless of the context of the job. These skills are known as General Attributes, and can cover a variety of topics, including:
·         Planning and Organisation skills
·         Time Management
·         Teamwork
·         Verbal & Written Communication
·         Numeric & Creative Skills
Carry out duties for all jobs up to and including those in the grade / scale set for this post, provided such duties are deemed to be within the area of work.
Carry out all the duties of the post in the working conditions normally inherent in the job.
1.        General (soft skill)
Verbal and written communication
Any job will require you to be able to speak about yourself and your opinions. They play a vital role in jobs. There will need to be a communication line between you, co-workers and your employer. As you will need to report what you have done and suggest new ideas on how to improve a product or about a new product.
Verbal skills are certainly needed when it comes to selling. A good presentation is very important.
Written communication is very important aswell. You will need to send emails to colleagues which clearly explain what is going on. You may also be tasked to prepare and write letters to a customer. Which will require good verbal communication.
Carry out all the duties of the post in the working conditions normally inherent in the job.
Provide support within the full range of IT services
  Personal attitudes
Reliability is a measure of how dependable you are. Most employers want an employee that is dependable. EG turns up on time, does what they are given to do.
Carry out all duties of the post in the working conditions normally inherit in the job
Employers may want someone who can think for themselves. The will be looking for someone who isn’t depending on others and can show some initiative. However they will not want the employee to act without checking. They will need some common sense.
Undertake the duties in such a way to enhance and promote the positive reputation of Newry and Mourne District council.
Be able to work to deadlines without aid of another colleague.



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